PASC & Acting Out NY!
Performing Arts for Social Change partnered for a 2nd year in Outside the Lines with Acting Out New York! The reading is in conjunction with Little Black Dress INK’s ONSTAGE Project, a female playwright festival featuring readings of 35 new plays in 8 different cities. Over 60 artists have signed on to bring readings of the selected short plays to ITHACA, NY, Santa Barbara, CA; Minneapolis, MN; Sedona, AZ; Auburn, AL; Ames, IA; Waco, TX; and Los Angeles, CA before the winning plays move on to production in Prescott, AZ.The 6 plays are directed by Cynthia Henderson and features Michelle Courtney Berry, Nina Berry-Lofthouse, JT Stone, Katie Spallone, (AJ) Alex Jay Sage, Corey Kline and Emily Chester!
Below are a few rehearsal photos featuring Michelle Courtney Berry and Katie Spallone.
Below are a few rehearsal photos featuring Michelle Courtney Berry and Katie Spallone.